Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Just Get Over It

The day after this blog launched, I decided I was tired of blogs.

This clearly was most inopportune, for having announced to my small circle of friends, who are largely comprised of this very site’s administrators, that this thing was on, how could I continue to come to this, putting in any effort or energy whatsoever, when I didn’t believe in the enterprise?

And that, my friends, is laziness. Sure I was tired of blogs. I get tired of anything no matter how insignificant, once it actually requires something of me. Pray I don’t have a kid anytime soon, cause the second it wakes me up in the middle of the night one too many times, that’s when I’ll be like, “you know? I’m tired of kids.” Please believe I'll be looking for some swaddling clothes, and a well-lit doorstep.

During my great Self-Help book binge of ’05, I read in The Road Less Traveled that the human brain is naturally lazy. You have to train it to accept and love discipline.

Your brain, (or maybe it’s just mine), would rather be passively delighted by bright colors, intoxicating substances, sex, and a good nap. When confronted with challenge, it sends signals out that sound a lot like fear, self-doubt, self-importance, apathy, and on and on.

The most common guise of laziness is probably fear. You’re afraid of getting judged or mocked, or trying, failing, people seeing that and laughing at you, or worse, pitying you, and on and on. Just get over it. Or you’ll never do anything.

You’ll just get old, then you’ll get bitter, then you’ll get cancer, then you’ll start wasting away, then you’ll be lying on your death bed looking back upon a life of missed opportunities, and play it safe compromising, and you’ll have, like 60-70 years too late, the most significant epiphany of your wasted, wretched, existence. It will probably sound a lot like this:

YOU: Fuck Me!

G. REAPER: And… scene!

Anyway, please go outside, right now, this second, and fulfill your dreams for God’s sake. Life’s too short to give into laziness.

For my part, the battle is ongoing. I’m being a little lazy myself right now. I just skipped a class to write this.

(Rubik's Cube for the Lazy: Courtesy of

Posted By: Hannibal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is some true shit. I don't know how we really haven't met yet. Dang. Well, hopefully next weekend, I'm homo

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