Friday, February 8, 2008

Silver Fox of the Week: Cindy McCain

Enough with Zac Efron and his ilk. We'll take gray at the temples, crow's feet, and soft paunches over that any day. In response to the flooding of the market by zygotes, once a week we'll give props to a sexy senior citizen.

Name: Cindy Lou Hensley McCain

Age: 53? (her birth year reads as ca. 1954. ha.)

Why We Love Her: Just gaze upon that death stare! As Imon pointed out, Cin's way hotter at 53 (ish) than Kucinich's twentysomething "former model." She did the whole rehab thing before Lindsay was out of Pull-Ups! We're not Republicans by any means, but she definitely ups the sexy factor of the GOP.
Photo: Hensley & Company

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