Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Bowl Ads Super Offensive

I am not a huge fan of football but once a year I love to watch the Super Bowl because of its commercials. I normally feel those that air are wonderful and the finest displays of advertising genius. This year I thought some were a little racist but that just could because I am an overly sensitive person of color… I encourage all to watch and discuss what you see below...


Posted By Imon


Mofree said...

They are definitely lame... and offensive... if you are going to be offensive, at least be creative... It sad that these are the only representatives of APAI folks on the tube.

Jodi-Ann said...

yeah, i stopped watching superbowl commercials a long time ago when i realized that they get so much more money to be that much racist.

and ur not overly sensitive. ur alive. and being alive as a person of color- ur bound to see some f-ed up racist crap.

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