Friday, June 27, 2008

Barack Agrees With... Antonin?

Barack, for the love of GOD, please check thyself. Washington, DC + handgun ban repeal = OBVIOUSLY BAD IDEA.

'Rack, just last night I'm halfway through Dreams from My Father (which has caused me to fall legitimately and fully in love with you, btw). At the part where you took Ruby to see for colored girls who have considered suicide/ when the rainbow is enuf because she wore the blue contacts and it broke your heart just so? You remember. Anyway, there I was last night, on my bed crying at your sheer manhood, only to catch up on the news today and hear this. Seriously, I've known not to agree with Justice Scalia since ninth grade Civics. Get it together!

At any rate, I need to get back to work and space out to my Marvin station on Pandora. He understands what's really going on. Hear that, B? While you and I are a little Here, My Dear right now, me and Marvin are straight up I Want You.* Jealous?

Can't wait to get back to the City of Chocolate!

* If you don't understand me, you need to get right with Wikipedia, iTunes, and God!

Posted by: Brittany
Story: Yahoo News

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