Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"Funny Woman" Not An Oxymoron Says Vanity Fair

Good news for those who love funny girls! The April issue of Vanity Fair, which hits newsstands soon, features many of our favorite (and probably yours, too) comediennes ironically posing as Tinseltown bad girls a la Lohan and Spears. The cover story features photos of Susie Essman (possibly my white, Jewish, middle-aged alter ego), Chelsea Handler, Leslie Mann, Amy Poehler, Amy Sedaris, Wanda Sykes, Sandra Bernhard and many more. The above photo of (l-r) Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, and Tina Fey was taken by Annie Leibovitz, who shot the cover story. The pictures are great, and even though I'm not keen on her, I must say Sarah Silverman makes an eerily spot-on Amy Winehouse.

There are some broads missing (Mindy Kaling, anyone?), but it's a pretty great roster nonetheless. Let's hear it for the ladies! Hey, maybe some of all this attention will lead to the greenlighting of more and better parts/ writing gigs for women in Hollywood...

Just kidding! But it's nice to dream!

P.S. You can watch a super cute behind-the-scenes video here at Jezebel!

Posted by: Brittany
Story and Image: Vanity Fair

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