Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hi. Remember Me?

Um, so, yeah, I went missing for a while... but now I'm back! I would like to say I've been gone because I've been busy, but why make excuses? The truth is, I've just been spending too much time, like, doing absolutely nothing. Well, kind of. Allow me to explain.
Between school (I'm not a fan), work (luckily, my job's not stressful, but it's 22 hours a week during which nothing especially fun or productive happens), and trying to be a normal person (this has not happened since age 7), I had a lot going on. Add to that emails unanswered, phone calls unreturned, laundry undone, friendships possibly damaged, and the fact that I'm embarrassingly poor for someone with a job (my ace money management skills at work)... I was exhausted.

Not, like, Lindsay exhausted. It costs a lot of money to do the amount of coke it takes to be that exhausted. Working at [redacted] proffers me neither the pay nor the time to dabble in hard drugs. Point is, I was stressed the fuck out.

I needed more than active relaxation, more than "chill time," as the kids say. I needed to completely detach before any type of restoration was possible. Fortunately, spring break came to my rescue! It was 9 days of my parents' couch, premium On Demand, and whoever came to call. Okay, so I did make one undercover foray into hipster heaven at the Justice/ Diplo show, as well as see a good friend off to China, but other than that, I was a homebody. I didn't have to work, go to class, use my cell phone, spend my own money, walk anywhere, bathe... shit, I barely had to move. Writing for the blog just got lumped in with everything else. I tried to post, believe me, I did, but after a paragraph or so, it just felt obligatory, like something I had to do. So, I unceremoniously took a couple weeks off to make myself a little less crazy. Make sense?

Of course I missed the ole BFD, and I kind of can't quit it (not that I would!), so here I am. More importantly, I'm back with actual things to say. Being away has given me plenty of time to ruminate on Kwame, Hillary, and all the rest. I've got quite a bit for you in the coming weeks... that is, if you can handle it!

I hope you missed me, because I missed you. Honest.

1 comment:

Mofree said...

I absolutely missed you...welcome back!

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