Monday, March 31, 2008

An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton and Kwame Kilpatrick

Hey guys! There's this thing called "bowing out gracefully" that even the above man has mastered better than the two of you.

Hillary, your campaign's a mess. You tried to recruit Bob Johnson to garner the Black vote, for chrissakes! It's obvious you're just in this for yourself now. Drop out of the race, get some sexy new skirt suits (a little de la Renta never hurt anyone), and become an Obama supporter, like we all know you secretly want to.

Kwame, I'm coming back to you later. But for now, know that you're an embarrassment not only to all of Detroit, but to all black people, everywhere. The ancestors want to put you over their collective knee and give you a whooping.
My dad, the great and fabled Bill, always said "quit while you're ahead." Neither of you are ahead. Just quit.


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