Thursday, February 7, 2008

Whatever Happened to the Foxtrot?

There are no words for this video. EXTREMELY NSFW, which means "Not Safe For Work" for all you senior citizens. You definitely don't want your boss to catch you peeping this one. No one's naked or anything, but still... I wouldn't want, say, my parents or a child to watch this. Ever.

That said, it's completely amazing and totally shameful all at once. Well, it's mostly just shameful, but you'll see. You'll be wondering "how?" a lot, but mostly just "Why, Lord Jesus, why?"

If you are over 17, not my parents, and not at work, please, please click away! You might have to verify your age to YouTube, but I did it just to watch this video (it doesn't take very long), and it was totally worth it.

Just don't say I didn't warn you.

Thanks Mary

Posted by: Brittany


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this video. I think this proves that times have changed for the youth of today. I'm pretty sure this is what goes on in middle school dances. I know because this is CLOSE to how i danced in middle school.

Anonymous said...

Dang. Double Dang. Also, she's like 15 but whatever, if I could pop it on a handstand while giving fucking oral sex my freshman year of high school instead of playing with my Dragon Ball Z DVDs, I wouldn't be here right now. And really, what the fuck did ever happen to Foxtrot?


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