Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who's Ready For A Nap?

What did Super Tuesday really mean?

Apparently, not much. Though Hillary took Cali and a slew of other really good states (NY, NJ, Mass), Barack still got 5 more states than she did (including DE, and with mad support from the mountain states), and is favored to win Maryland, Virgina, DC, and Hawaii (duh), whose primaries are still coming up. And then there's still John McCain. With much of the disillusioned nation going middle of the road after 8 years of Bush, both McCain and Obama stand a strong chance of grabbing those independent voters.

Yo, I'm getting kind of tired of this. Not to sound lazy or not interested, but I'm sick of these primaries fucking with my emotions. There's so much OMG drama in this election, I can barely think about anything else! I think it's raising my blood pressure. When will the writer's strike be over? I want some new episodes of Gossip Girl and Ugly Betty to take my mind off of this for a few minutes a week. Hills and Barack will obviously be duking it out through the spring, and possibly the summer. I need a break.

Expect a few posts on new music (Estelle feat. Kanye!) and confessions of my corniness* in the near future. Until then, try to get some rest.

*I would post more on celebrity stuff, but all they seem to do anymore is just get pregnant.

Posted by: Brittany

1 comment:

Mofree said...

While I do agree that this is an emotional roller coaster, it is important to not lose site of the bigger picture... so take a knee. Watch some Project Runway! TGFTG (Thank God for Tim Gunn).

Just don't stay away too long... don't forget to keep hope alive

(sorry I couldn't resist)

btw, who wants to go canvassing in Silver Spring on Sunday!?!

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