Sunday, March 9, 2008

What I Did Today (You don't Have to Read This)

It's time to get back on track with the posts on this thing. No more week long hiatusus. What's the plural of hiatus anyway? Hiati? I don't know. Anyway, I watched Caddyshack today on HBO. I watched The Jetsons Movie on HBO family. I watched an hour of Spongebob Squarepants. I tried to study in the library, then gave up after about 30 minutes and returned to my room. I thought about getting Starbucks, then thought better of it. I noticed Imon has an interesting affliction in which it sounds like she's saying Allison in Wonderland instead of Alice in Wonderland.

Now I'm eating some pasta I made and trying to decide whether I should do some more homework or turn on the TV. Who will win? There's an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. The guy with the halo is beginning to fatigue. It also doesn't help he's half the size of the other guy.

By the way, who in the hell likes Everclear? But more on that later.

Daily posts on BFD from now on.

Posted by: Hannibal

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